The 3D HoofCare Half Mesh (HM) pad is designed to be used with impression material (DIM) or lightweight hoof packing such as Glue-U Shufill to help share the load over the caudal aspect of the hoof.
Added mesh improves protection.
This pad is available in flat [sizes 2-5] and 3 degree [sizes 3-5]. All the degree pads have a corresponding frog recess of 3 degree to facilitate a prolapsed frog.
Half Mesh HM pad 2 [flat]
Half Mesh HM pad 3 [flat]
Half Mesh HM pad 4 [flat]
Half Mesh HM pad 5 [flat]
Half Mesh HM pad 6 [flat]
Half Mesh HM pad 3, [3 degree]
Half Mesh HM pad 4, [3 degree]
Half Mesh HM pad 5, [3 degree]
Half Mesh HM pad 6, [3 degree]

Derek Poupard is the owner and inventor of 3D HoofCare and HoofCast. After starting his career as a farrier in South Africa, he’s since traveled the world having the opportunity to work in the USA, Dubai and United Kingdom on the highest profile horses in the world.
A 3D printer using Nylon Carbon fibre filament was used to produce the original pads to apply and perfect the design and function. These pads are now injected molded by Jim Blurton in the UK

Why use a palmar frog support pad?

The peripheral loading of a horseshoe can cause soft tissue fatigue if not failure resulting in corns, heel pain and ultimately heel collapse.

Inspired by the imprint of a barefoot foot and soundness associated with this natural palmar support, a new generation of 3D HoofCare pads was developed.
The origin of the 3D HoofCare pad
Is from the 3D printing process to perfect the design and shape. It was designed, manufactured and applied by a farrier to achieve an easy to apply load sharing pad.

How to fit the 3D Half Mesh Pad step by step

Nail or rivet the pad to the shoe. There is guideline to trim a toe clip notch. For side clips, tap the shoe clip side down to mark the clip area to remove.
Use nippers and a rasp, pad cutter or belt sander to fit the pad.
Take equal amounts of impression material *(DIM) or lightweight hoof packing such as Glue-U Shufill, the amount will depend on pad size, type and sole depth for adequate coverage.
Mix these 2 parts until a uniform color is achieved. This will start curing immediately so must be applied before this cures to its final hardness.
Place the impression material *(DIM) or lightweight hoof packing such as Glue-U Shufill into the bar and frog crevices as shown here.
Position your shoe and pad and apply 2 nails to secure the shoe in position.
While the impression material *(DIM) or lightweight hoof packing such as Glue-U Shufill is still soft set the foot down and lift the opposite limb to bear weight.
* Dental Impression Material.
This process will squeeze out any excess material and is a very important process. If you do not do this the cured material will feel like a rock in the foot and cause discomfort and subsequent lameness.
Remove any excess impression material *(DIM) or lightweight hoof packing such as Glue-U Shufill while it is still soft as once it cures it will be difficult to clean and smooth out.
Apply the balance of nails and clench up as normal.
For more information, including the above content, please visit 3D HoofCare.